Brexit job loss in 5 sectors


2.27 million EU nationals currently work in the UK. Brexit will result in a large increase of EU-born workers leaving the UK and a decrease in those immigrating to Britain. This will have a monumental effect on the British workforce

Nick Woodward, CEO of ETZ Payments reveals the industries that will be hit the hardest by the loss of EU national workers.

1. The Manufacturing of Food and Drink
Migrant labourers from the EU make up more than 30 per cent of all workers in the manufacturing of food products, including jobs like processing cheese and meat, making baked goods and animal slaughter.

2. Domestic Personnel
Almost a quarter of domestic personnel such as housekeepers and carers come from the EU. There could be a huge effect on those who are reliant on care. Furthermore, 5.6 per cent of all NHS employees come from EU countries.

3. Accommodation Workers
Over a fifth of those who work in the British accommodation industry, including luxury and budget hotels, are EU born migrants.

4. Warehouse and support for transport
15 per cent of those who work in the UK’s vital transport industry immigrated to the UK from the EU.

5. Mining of metal ores
14 per cent of those who work in the UK’s mining industry are from the EU. As a leading exporter of lead, silver, chromium and platinum-group metal, the wider British economy could be damaged if this industry were to lose over a tenth of its workers due to Brexit.

Nick Woodward Nick Woodward, CEO of ETZ Payments comments: “With Brexit, comes discussions of how trading and tariffs may affect our economy. However, what is rarely discussed is how some industries will really suffer as a result of potential staff loss. Many industries rely on EU workers, both low-skilled staff in industries, such as construction and manufacturing, and also high-skilled workers such as financial advisors and IT consultants. A no-deal Brexit or a deal without any safeguarding for these employees in place could decimate some vital services that we utilise in the UK.”