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HomeTechnologyBig Data Scoring – around the world

Big Data Scoring – around the world

Big Data Scoring describes itself as an easy-to-integrate, cloud-based service that lets consumer lenders improve loan quality and acceptance rates through the use of big data. SME caught up with BDS to find out more…

What countries do you operate in?

We have offices in Chile, UK, Finland, Estonia and Indonesia. Clients come from all around the world.

What is the next country to target?

These days new clients come from all over the world. On a single day, we could be simultaneously working with people from India, South Africa, Austria, Chile and Canada.

What is your global plan?

We are already a global business and the plan is to increase penetration in all continents.

How much research goes in to setting up overseas expansion? Do you visit the places you are looking to sell to?

We follow the market activity and clients. We usually don’t expand to a new market (e.g. open an office) without already established client relations in this region. Since we are anyway selling globally, then our team goes where there’s most client interest. We don’t randomly put a pin on the map and decide “That’s where we will go!”.

What have been the main challenges for exporting?

Adopting to the cultural differences of target markets is always a fun challenge.

What cultural differences have you encountered, and have they affected the way you do business with certain regions?

Each region is different – starting from basics like handing your business card with 2 hands in Asia to understanding the fact that a “Yes” answer might have completely different meanings in Eastern Europe or Mexico.



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