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HomeFinanceBanks and FundingCBI calls on government for £6bn boost in public investment

CBI calls on government for £6bn boost in public investment

The CBI is urging the government to produce a pro-enterprise agenda in next month’s Autumn Statement, calling for £6 billion increase in public investment to help companies cope with the uncertain economic outlook following the EU referendum result.

The CBI is urging the government to use next month’s Autumn Statement to set out a pro-enterprise agenda to boost confidence following the EU referendum result.

Director general Carolyn Fairbairn said: “The Chancellor should capitalise on the UK’s core strengths, setting out a pro-enterprise agenda that instils confidence and kick starts investment. With huge variations in productivity between different parts of the country, the top priority must be to set out a programme that will get our regions firing on all cylinders and supports businesses to innovate, invest and create jobs in the years ahead.

“Amid economic uncertainty, it’s important that the government does what it can to incentivise businesses to invest today, rather than postpone until tomorrow. With interest rates at rock bottom, now is the time for the UK to put serious effort into improving our creaking infrastructure. We would like to see £6 billion more spent each year on public investment: improving our transport and digital network, building more homes and extending regional funding.”



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