Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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HomeFinancial ManagementHow much are we really spending on PPE?

How much are we really spending on PPE?

Companies are spending more than £3.5 million a day on keeping their customers safe, at least according to one estimate.

Hand sanitisers, face masks, floor markings and basic cleaning measures alone are ramping up the costs as PPE becomes part of the workplace.

The costs were broken down by Where The Trade  Buys, a cxxx which looked at publicly available breakdowns of

While purely estimates, they made interesting reading. This is how they broke down:

Two pumps of hand sanitiser per hour for every worker —  £3,058,560

Two face masks for each worker — £72,000,000

Floor markings in all commercial spaces — £1,234,309,789

A deep clean of all commercial spaces — £2,373,672,672

Overall total — £3,683,041,021

All this assumes employers will dramatically step up their hygiene efforts, that markings will be placed appropriately throughout the available 678,192,192.00 square metres of space and that every inch of every square foot will be cleaned.

Gary Peeling, Chief Executive Officer at Where The Trade Buys, said: “With shared office spaces gradually reopening, businesses will require numerous health and safety products to ensure the safeguarding of their staff.

“Ahead of office doors reopening, careful planning will be needed in order to put the necessary protective equipment in place and enhance health and safety measures before employees return to the workplace.”



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