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Tag: entrepreneurs

Judges to choose their ‘ones to watch’

The 2020 shortlist for March’s #21toWatch Awards promises some of the most daring entrepreneurs, start-ups and innovations from the East of England. They are among...

LoveGunn aids start-ups with bespoke branding service

Shoreditch-based branding and design agency LoveGunn has developed a new service concept called Sprint by LoveGunn. The new offering has been especially created to...

Three fatal mistakes for fledgling entrepreneurs starting out

Business adviser Stefano Maifreni highlights three fundamental errors that entrepreneurs make in their early days Do you ever find you're so busy with your fledgling...

Entrepreneurs are far too optimistic about success, say researchers

Study shows that overly optimistic entrepreneurs earn 30% less than pessimistic business owners Optimistic thinking is leading people to set up businesses that have no...

Young entrepreneurs need to connect beyond their own countries

When it comes to networking, Harry Hortyn urges you to cast your nets wide Economic uncertainty and increasing competition for the best jobs are just...

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