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EU crackdown on cyber-criminals

Cyber-risks facing businesses today are significant and only increasing. With many welcoming the EU’s recent announcement that cyber criminals will face tough sanctions under...

The hidden dangers of data

Howard Williams, marketing director at Parker Software cautions on keeping a focus on ‘collected’ and ‘hidden’ data to continue building and improving your customer...

No need to be frightened by GDPR

By Ardi Kolah, Director of the GDPR programme, Henley Business School Millions of small-medium sized businesses have been scared – unnecessarily so in my view...

GDPR shambles leaves SMEs with compliance concerns

By James Pressley When the GDPR was first announced, there was a general expectation that a certification scheme would be in place well before the...

The Cambridge Analytica crisis shows GDPR has never been more relevant

By Gemma Newsham, pictured above, Regulations Director, Opus Energy  The General Data Protection Regulation is a term which has been on many peoples’ lips for...

Forget-me-not: how to cope with the right to be forgotten

By Robert Rutherford, CEO, QuoStar In a landmark case, a businessman has just won the right to have search results regarding a historical crime removed...

What lessons on consent can SMEs learn from Facebook’s mistakes?

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all companies will be required to take issues of data can i buy ambien online privacy and...

GDPR – Dispelling the myths Pt IV

By Mike Richardson, Managing Director EMEA, Maximizer Software In the final part of my series of blogs on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) looking...

GDPR: practical compliance tips for SMEs

By Colette Reid General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25. They will apply to all businesses, including SMEs, processing any...

Prepare for GDPR: Privacy, consent, and the value exchange

By Ian Woolley, Chief Revenue Officer at Ensighten With the new General Data Protection Regulation around the corner, with just under 3 months to go,...

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